Star Wars: The Clone Wars finally catches up with Revenge of the Sith [Jabba the Pod 2.17]
It has taken seven seasons and two miraculous comebacks, but Star Wars: The Clone Wars has finally caught up with the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. While Ahsoka and Rex continue with the Siege of Mandalore, they get word that Anakin has killed Count Dooku and that Obi-Wan is going to Utapau.
Which means that Order 66 is not far away, not far at all.
Maul senses the dark side coming the entire episode. He makes it clear to Ahsoka that they are the same, really — the title of the episode is "The Phantom Apprentice," and that moniker suits them both. They were both students who were tossed aside (Maul by Sidious, Ahsoka by the Jedi), and perhaps the time has come for them to join forces.
It's kind of a last-ditch attempt from Maul to get on top of things because his real plan here was a bust. We know he wanted Kenobi on Mandalore — but he wanted Kenobi to bring Anakin with him, all so Maul could take Sidious' "prize pupil" away from him. Maul is now aware that both he and Dooku were just temporary apprentices for Sidious while Anakin was being bred for the prime role. The real Phantom Apprentice has been Anakin the entire time: the Phantom Apprentice to the Phantom Menace, if you will. We will.
Our heroes at Jabba the Pod (Brian Silliman, Caitlin Busch, and Matt Romano) attempt to get their heads together to discuss all of this, plus much more news and information from the past week. Join them, or die! Take a listen below, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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