Meet the creatures of Thra in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance tie-in book, Heroes of the Resistance

Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance series on Netflix is packed with dozens of characters, creatures, clans, and communities all tied to the mythical realm of Thra. From courageous Gelflings like Rian, Brea, and Deet to scheming Skeksis overlords skekSo, skekSil, and skekVar, the ample roster of clashing inhabitants can get a bit complex.
To sort everything out and clarify the backstories and roles of individual denizens of Thra, a second tie-in gift book written by J.M. Lee titled Heroes of the Resistance: A Guide to the Characters of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance arrives Nov. 12 — and SYFY WIRE has an exclusive peek inside.
Arriving the same day as Lee's thought-provoking Aughra's Wisdom of Thra, Heroes of the Resistance is an indispensable visual manual of every weird and wonderful character you'll encounter in the smash Netflix series.
Here in this comprehensive 88-page companion book, we'll be introduced to the extraordinary lineup of adventurers and villains from Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, featuring full-color photos from the show accompanied by goals, secrets, and environments of other curious Thra creatures like Silk Spitters, Gruenaks, Fizzgigs, Armaligs, Landstriders, Nurlocs, and Windsifters.
Lee is a staff writer and creative consultant on The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and wrote the acclaimed four-book prequel series that launched in 2016 with Shadows of the Dark Crystal. With his expert background in linguistics, Lee also created the Podling language featured in the Netflix series.
"It wasn't until I was writing it that I realized just how many interesting characters and creatures there are in Age of Resistance," Lee tells SYFY WIRE. "That made it a fun project, but also one of those things where you can end up down the rabbit hole if you're not careful.
"This is a great book for any fan," he adds. "Aside from the character descriptions, it's got a collection of photos showing off the gorgeous puppets. And while most of the facts and lore in the book draw directly from Age of Resistance, some of the descriptions do go a little further than the show, diving into the YA books or other extended-universe material. So even fans who've watched the show 20 times will still learn something new."
Now roam the three brother suns of Thra in our exclusive page preview of Heroes of the Resistance in the full gallery below, then tell us if you're devoted souls of the stellar Netflix series!