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Westworld Season 3 trailer promises more violent delights at SDCC

By Benjamin Bullard & Don Kaye
Aaron Paul in Westworld on HBO

These are not the same violent delights you’re used to — though we suspect they’ll still meet with violent ends. HBO just debuted an all-new preview trailer for Westworld’s third season at San Diego Comic-Con, and it’s looking more and more likely that Westworld III will confirm all that buzz about the show taking a fresh direction — and with the way last season ended, how could it not?

SYFY WIRE was at the show's San Diego Comic-Con panel, where director Jonathan Nolan wouldn't say just how far out of bounds Season 3 of Westworld might stray from the all-too-perfect park, now that everything's... changed (no spoilers for those of you who still haven't finished Season 2). But Dolores is definitely a "fish out of water this season," according to Evan Rachel Wood. "She is truly alone ... She's still full of surprises and pretty ruthless, but I think her interactions with Aaron make her reevaluate her views on humanity."

The Aaron she's talking about is Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul, who's joining Westworld III as a construction worker named Caleb. Catch a new glimpse of Paul and the rest of the Season 3 cast in the dystopian trailer below:

You know things are going all kinds of wrong when "We’ll Meet Again" gets pulled into service as the ominous background music. At Westworld's Comic-Con panel, Paul said his character "gives us a sense of what it's like to be a human living in this crazy futuristic world." And with the androids-versus-humans chaos at its most violent and jumbled as Season 3 begins, that kind of grounding could end up making him a point-of-view conduit to help orient us human viewers.

Season 2 left fans (and perhaps even some of the show's stars) with as many unanswered questions as it offered answers. Thanks to a non-linear storytelling style and some last-minute reveals that drove us all back to the very first episode to retrace all those a-ha! breadcrumbs, that's not necessarily a bad thing — though HBO did notice a dip in viewership between the show's first and second seasons. 

But now that everyone's true identity has been unmasked (we think), and with new characters bascially starting from the same blank slate as seasoned veterans in the post-Delos Westworld, Season 3 almost has the look and feel of something completely new. HBO still hasn't revealed a premiere date, but we're expecting Season 3 of Westworld to arrive sometime next year.

Click here for SYFY WIRE's full coverage of San Diego Comic-Con 2019, including up-to-the-minute news, exclusive interviews, and videos.