Glitter! Strippers! Romance! Wynonna Earp's cast celebrates midseason premiere with a fun watch party

Wynonna Earp is back! Season 4’s seventh episode, “Love's All Over,” aired on SYFY tonight, and Earpers and cast members alike went to Twitter to share their thoughts and feelings about the episode.
We won’t get too much into spoilers here (let’s just say that love truly was everywhere in “Love’s All Over”), but we will share the behind-the-scenes clips involving the cast as part of the watch party for the midseason premiere.
Read on to learn what Melanie Scrofano (Wynonna Earp), Tim Rozon (Doc Holliday), Dominique Provost-Chalkley (Waverly Earp), Katherine Barrell (Nicole Haught), and Varun Saranga (Jeremy Chetri) had to say about getting glitter-bombed, hugging everyone, and what they thought about a surprise character singing a certain love song.
Doc! Always saying ribald things in front of mixed company. Rozon looks like he might be blushing a little when he talks about that scene with Saranga and Provost-Chalkley. They’re all laughing though, so it’s all in good fun and it sets the mood for the rest of the episode.
It’s stripper time! Wynonna’s hastily pulled together bachelorette party, in a bar full of male strippers, might not have been the best choice for Waverly and Nicole. But Provost-Chalkley does admit there were some delightful bits on set that day and we learn a little too much about what Saranga calls his own bits.
Oh no! Everyone is in love with Waverly! Of course Waverly is wonderful, but having some of Cupid’s love glitter is causing things to get out of hand.
Wynonna stole the vial full of Cupid’s love glitter! But why? Scrofano ponders that question with Rozon and then lands on the fact that Wynonna — love-bombed to love Amon — is jealous that Amon has been love-bombed to love Waverly. “She’s a crazy chick with a vial!” Scrofano exclaims. And yes, Rozon's right — that phrase should be on a T-shirt.
So much love requires all the glitter! And that much glitter gets everywhere apparently, if Scrofano’s suggestion of glitter in all the "crevasses” is any indication.
Singer and songwriter Jann Arden is back in this episode as Bunny Loblaw! Bunny, like much of Purgatory, has also fallen in love with Waverly. Bunny’s love at one point takes the form of a song, and Provost-Chalkley marvels at seeing Arden’s masterful guitar-playing skills up close.
In the last clip, Rozon and Scrofano talk about their characters’ true-love moment near the end of the episode. Tim is very expressive in describing the feelings going through Doc at that moment, and the clip ends with Scrofano cracking up.
The watch party is over, but there are still five more episodes of Wynonna Earp to go this season. Check out the remaining episodes every Friday on SYFY at 10 p.m. ET /9 CT.