Jedi Maester! Watch George Lucas help direct a Game of Thrones scene

A Jedi Master (or is it Maester?) has come to Westeros to show Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke the ways of the Force.
So, remember when we told you that George Lucas stopped by the set of Game of Thrones, but showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss would neither confirm nor deny Lucas’ visit? Well, not only has a new featurette on the show's Season 8 premiere confirmed the visit, but it looks as though the Star Wars creator actually helped direct a scene between Harington and Clarke in the episode.
Not surprisingly, the cast and crew were floored. (Benioff mentions his earliest memories as a storyteller would be "mashing together [his] Stormtrooper dolls" as a little kid.)
“George would be sitting at my director’s chair... it was so cool for me... I had George speak with Kit and Emilia,” said David Nutter, the director of the episode.
And judging by the looks on the stars’ faces, it was so cool for them, too. The video shows Lucas watching a scene between the two actors from the monitor and afterward giving Harington some notes on his performance. Or... not really. See for yourself. The stuff with Lucas starts around the 4:03 mark (which we’ve cued up for you).
The featurette doesn’t mention why Lucas visited the set, but remember: The showrunners are working on a spinoff Star Wars project, so that may have had something to do with it.
The final season of Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.
And check out some new promotional photos for episode 802 below!