'Renfield' Star Nicolas Cage Has a Very Nicolas Cage Answer to His Earliest Memory
It's hard to imagine Cage having much earlier memories.

Nicolas Cage is a fascinating guy. Whether you're talking about his acting choices, his interests outside of film, or his desire to lick cinema audiences in the face with the aid of 3D technology, he's just one of those people you want to hear from on just about anything. You just never know how he might interpret the subject. That held true on a recent visit to The Late Show, when Cage took on host Stephen Colbert's questionnaire and gave some very interesting answers.
Released as a kind of web extra after a guest's appearance on the show, Colbert's "Colbert Questionert" is a fun little round of rapid fire questions, some of which are simple, and some of which can run very deep. Colbert generally reserves the segment for pretty major guests, and Cage fits that bill. So earlier this week we were treated to a release of the segment on the Late Show YouTube following Cage's earlier appearance on the show to promote his new Dracula film, Renfield. Among the bigger questions asked during the segment: What's your earliest memory?
Here's how Cage responded to that: "Listen, I know this sounds really far out and I don't know if it's real or not, but sometimes I think I can go all the way back to in utero and feeling like I could see faces in the dark or something," Cage said. "I know that sounds powerfully abstract, but that somehow seems like maybe it happened."
RELATED: Renfield star Nicolas Cage based Dracula performance on cats and snakes
Cage went on to clarify that he's not actually certain that's his first memory — though quite a few people do claim to have memories from the womb — but it, at the very least, feels like something he remembers when he ponders earliest memories.
"Now that I am no longer in utero, I would have to imagine it was perhaps vocal vibrations resonating through to me at that stage," he added. "That's going way back. I don't know. That comes to mind."
It's a fun response, with a very typically Cage-ian rhythm to it, but it's arguably not as interesting as Cage's answer to another big question for Colbert: What happens after we die?
"Nobody really knows, I don't know," Cage said. "They say that electricity is forever eternal. That the spark keeps going. I like to think whatever spark is animating our bodies, once the body passes on, that the spark continues to go. But whether or not that electricity has consciousness or not, who can really say?"
One thing's for sure: If anyone's spark is going to continue after death, it's Nic Cage's.
Catch him sparking big time as Dracula in Universal Pictures' Renfield, now available on digital.