Mortal Kombat 11 Cassie Cage reveal, Nintendo Labo VR and this week's Gamegrrl news
It may be March, but it's not getting any warmer out there despite what that groundhog said last month. Who cares? There is plenty of stuff you can do inside, and so many gaming goodies to read about before they come out. This week we have the return of an awesome female character in Mortal Kombat 11 and a look at the story, as well as some info on the Nintendo Labo VR Kit. Who needs sunshine and vitamin D? Here is your Gamegrrl news for the week ending March 9.
This week, we got not only a story trailer for Mortal Kombat 11, but we saw Cassie Cage’s reveal trailer as well. If you don’t know her, she’s the daughter of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. She kicks some serious ass, and her fatality is, well, not good for those with delicate parts between their legs. So far we’ve learned about Sonya, Johnny, new fighter Geras, Kronika, the woman running the show, Baraka, Raiden, Skarlet, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kano, Kabal, D’Vorah and Jade. Mortal Kombat 11 will hit PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One and Xbox One X on March 28, 2019. There are a lot more reveals in the story trailer, which you can watch right here. Ubisoft has posted the launch trailer for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. There is a virus taking hold of the country and the Capital is falling. Our leaders are dead or missing. There is so much to fix it almost seems like, well, right now. “We are the last line of defense. We are the people making a stand to take back D.C. We are The Division, and history will remember us. Available March 15, 2019. Pre-order Gold or Ultimate Edition for 3-days early access.”Nintendo Labo is going virtual. The Nintendo Labo: VR Kit has been announced for April 12, and it is the fourth kit in the series. Here is the info for you: “Nintendo Labo: VR Kit offers six new Toy-Con creations to build, including the Toy-Con VR Goggles, which combine with the other creations to allow players to interact with the virtual world through imaginative real-world actions. Fend off an alien invasion with the Toy-Con Blaster, visit a colorful in-game ocean and snap photos of the sea life with the Toy-Con Camera and so much more.” The VR Kit will retail for $79.99 and includes the Nintendo Switch software and materials to build all six Toy-Con projects — the Toy-Con VR Goggles, Toy-Con Blaster, Toy-Con Camera, Toy-Con Bird, Toy-Con Wind Pedal and Toy-Con Elephant — as well as a Screen Holder and Safety Cap. There are other options for you so head over here to check it out.
“Tonight marks the beginning of the cleansing.” Today we have a new trailer for Rage 2 — Wasteland Superhero and it’s crazy. Here are the details for the Bethesda game, which will be out on May 14, 2019. “You’re not just Walker, the last Ranger. You’re a Wasteland Superhero! Using your arsenal of powerful weapons and hi-tech nanotrite abilities, you’re going to wreak havoc on the baddies lurking throughout RAGE 2. While they are super powerful on their own, you’ll get maximum damage by pairing those weapons and abilities for crazy combos that will knock the socks off* (*absolutely obliterate) anyone that stands in your way. The Authority doesn’t stand a chance!”This week we also got a look at the making of Cyberpunk 2077, an open-world RPG from CD Projekt Red. You can check it out above.
Here is the info for you. “Night City, California. Year 2077. The world is broken. MegaCorps manage every aspect of life from the top floors of their sky-scraping fortresses. Down below, the streets are run by drug pushing gangs, tech hustlers, and illegal braindance slingers. The in-between is where decadence, sex and pop culture mix with violent crime, extreme poverty and the unattainable promise of the American Dream.
“You are V, a cyberpunk. In a world of cyberenhanced street warriors, tech-savvy netrunners and corporate life-hackers, today is your first step to becoming an urban legend.
So, what Gamegrrl news are you most excited about this week? Let us know in the comments.