Objects in Space 1/11/19: Well, hello there

SYFY WIRE Objects in Space

Objects in Space 1/11/19: Well, hello there

By Carly Lane

It's Friday, quite possibly one of the best days of the entire week, even more so than the weekend itself. You heard me; what could be better than the knowledge that you've got nothing but Saturday ahead of you? Before you say anything to the contrary, no, shhhh, we're not thinking beyond that. Not right now.

- Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu: The Vampyre 40 years later. (Birth.Movies.Death.)
- Netflix’s You has one writer asking: Am I a stalker? (Man Repeller)
- The Hollywood power and unknowable force of Bradley Cooper (by our very own FANGRRLS editor Kayleigh Donaldson!). (Pajiba)
- Let’s talk about the ending of You’s season finale. (Vulture)

You can send us suggestions for stuff to include in future round-ups at any time, either in the comments below or via our Twitter feed at @Syfyfangrrls.