'Resident Alien' Season 2: Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv actors stop by Episode 5 After Show

SYFY WIRE Resident Alien

'Resident Alien' Season 2: Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv actors stop by Episode 5 After Show

"We always have to be grounded or else it won't work."

By Josh Weiss

Patience, Colorado's finest stopped by this week's installment of SYFY's official Resident Alien After Show centered around the premiere of Episode 5 ("Family Day"). In particular, Corey Reynolds and Liz Bowen (who play Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv respectively) fielded questions from co-hosts Jackie Jennings and Juan Cadavid, breaking down the hilarious relationship between their characters and discussing how the series keeps them firmly on the ground amidst all the otherworldly story beats.

"I think our show is being clever in a lot of ways," Reynolds said. "I feel like our writers are doing a good job with that as well. They make sure that everything we do falls in the realm of plausible." The goal is to craft a "crazy, wild, quirky world that these crazy, wild, quirky people inhabit, but inhabit in a completely organic to them way," he continued. "It's tricky. I think we're doing it!"

"We also have to be really careful, no matter what," Bowen added. "Because the show can be the science fiction part or the suspension of disbelief...even if our characters are doing something big, we always have to be grounded or else it won't work. So that's always a fine balance, I think, to juggle the two."

Of course, the After Show for Episode 5 wouldn't be the After Show for Episode 5 without a lengthy discussion about the plot. Head above to see what Jackie and Juan thought of Mayor Ben Hawthorne's efforts to restore the town's image.

Episodes 1-5 episodes of Resident Alien Season 2 are now available on the SYFY app and Peacock. New installments debut on both platforms the day after they air on SYFY every Wednesday at 10 p.m. EST.

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