WIRE Buzz: New Swamp Thing teaser surfaces; Endgame set video shows Iron Man's end

Our latest WIRE Buzz mourns the end of one of cinema’s greatest superheroes while it celebrates a new beginning for a hero on the small screen. DC and Marvel are always linked as competitors, but today’s news roundup showcases the life cycle of a superhero’s journey from origin to ending.
First, the DC Universe show Swamp Thing showed off some new footage today documenting how Alec Holland becomes the eponymous character. Andy Bean and Derek Mears play the character (before and after his mossy transformation, respectively), the former of which fans can see in the new teaser trailer.
Check it out:
That’s one scientist whose bond with the environment is closer than most. After some weird swamp zombies start populating the nearby water around Holland and Abby Arcane (Crystal Reed), it’s no wonder things start getting weird. Things look almost as troubling as Swamp Thing's production. But what exactly is waking up?
Fans can find out when Swamp Thing premieres on May 31.
As for the Marvel version of this story, the other side of the narrative arc, Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, needed to have some closure. So actor Robert Downey Jr. gave it his all during Avengers: Endgame — and fans can now see his reaction upon wrapping the film over at Atlanta's Pinewood Studios.
Take a look:
No speech needed. The actor doled out hugs and razzed the social media quirks of co-star Chris Evans (even now the Cap vs. Iron Man feud of Civil War still goes strong) in a video featuring bigwigs like Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, producer Trinh Tran, and director duo Joe and Anthony Russo.
While Iron Man still had a few lines left to deliver in reshoots, this was the big goodbye for the superhero who kicked off the MCU. And now, fittingly, he’s allowed to publicly rest and reflect as the long years of secrecy have paid off.
Avengers: Endgame still sits atop the box office in theaters now.
Finally, Gunpowder Milkshake continues to add to its already impressive cast, which includes Karen Gillan, Lena Headey, and Michelle Yeoh.
Deadline reports that Carla Gugino (Watchmen, Sin City) has joined the action thriller, still set to be directed by Navot Papushado. Angela Bassett and Paul Giamatti are also set to appear in the film, which Deadline describes as "a high-concept assassin story that has a rich mythology and spans several generations."
Gugino's character will be a part of a secret sisterhood who will assist Gillan's character in the film. This "secret sisterhood" could potentially be a part of the rich mythology that Deadline describes.
So, just in case assassins, mythology, Gillan, Headey, and Yeoh weren't enough for you, now Carla Gugino's in the mix. They certainly have our interest.
Gunpowder Milkshake is set to begin production on June 3.