WATCH: Everything you didn't know about Babylon 5
Before Farscape, Stargate SG-1, and even our beloved Battlestar Galactica reboot, there was one show that proved there was room for more sci-fi on TV beyond Star Trek. Twenty-five years ago this week, Babylon 5 premiered its first season, and changed the television landscape. Series creator J. Michael Straczynski envisioned Babylon 5 as a TV novel that would unfold over five seasons, and it paved the way for the serialized shows that followed it.
SYFY WIRE’s latest Everything You Didn't Know video is taking a deep dive into Babylon 5, including its two-hour pilot episode, “The Gathering,” which dropped in 1993, a full year before the launch of the series. Not all of the cast members from the pilot made it back for the series. Babylon 5 wasn’t immune to cast changes once it finally got started. Michael O'Hare’s Jeffrey Sinclair stepped aside after only a single season in command of the space station. That paved the way for Bruce Boxleitner to join the show as Captain John Sheridan, and he made the series even stronger than before.
Straczynski poured his heart and soul into the show, even writing 92 of the show’s 110 episodes, plus the TV movies that followed. Last year, Babylon 5 went up on Amazon Prime, which will potentially allow a new generation to catch this groundbreaking series. We largely shied away from spoilers in the video, but a few were unavoidable. However, the beautiful thing about this series is that there is no shortage of great moments, strong characters, and extremely quotable lines. So watch the entire video, then share some of your favorite Babylon 5 memories in the comment section below!