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SYFY WIRE costumes

Cospets Episode 2: Taylor Plecity's dog becomes a space captain


Have you ever wanted to dress up your beloved pet in his or her own cosplay costume? If so, SYFY WIRE’s Cospets is the show for you! In the second episode of our latest original series, actress and cosplayer Taylor Plecity volunteered her dog, Elliotte, to be our second subject. And unlike Charles the cat in our first episode, Elliotte was a bit more of a willing participant.

Taylor regularly cosplays around her dog, and even allows Elliotte to get in on the act. So wearing a costume is nothing new for this very good girl. According to Taylor, Elliotte is named after Pete’s Dragon, from the 1977 Disney classic. Taylor told us that Elliotte’s namesake represented unconditional love when she was a kid. However, she suspects that her canine companion would go home with any willing family when the time comes to leave the local dog park.

Elliotte’s camera-ready features lent herself well to her new costume. As determined by our host Whittney Moore, designer Katheryn Renfroe, and Taylor herself, the choice was made to transform Elliotte into a space captain. And she really does have a commanding profile, which reminds Taylor of one of her gaming go-tos: Nintendo’s Star Fox! Now we want to see Elliotte do a barrel roll! 

Before the final reveal of Captain Elliotte’s space-faring costume, Katheryn walked us through some of the design decisions she made along the way. She also showed us how to create the small touches on Captain Elliotte’s jacket that made her look like she’s lived to tell a few tall tales!

For more fun in our latest Cospets episode, check out the full video!

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