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SYFY WIRE New York Comic Con

NYCC 2019: Marvel's Runaways cast and creators talk Season 3, Cloak and Dagger

By Donnie Lederer

The Season 2 finale of Marvel's Runaways left both heroes and villains in a state of disarray. From alien possession to road-tripping with a pet dinosaur, there is almost no telling what is going to happen next. We say 'almost' because this December, Season 3 of Runaways premieres on Hulu. If they didn't know what was going to happen, there would be no season.

Some of the questions we all have regarding the fate of these characters were answered Friday Night at New York Comic Con. The cast and creators of the hit series held a panel and screening at, of course, Madison Square Garden's Hulu theater, with SYFY WIRE in attendance. Here's what we were able to find out.

Moderated by Head of Marvel TV Jeph Loeb, the panel included executive producers Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, as well as the Runaways themselves, Rhenzy Feliz (Alex), Gregg Sulkin (Chase), Lyrica Okano (Nico), Virginia Gardner (Karolina), Allegra Acosta (Molly), and Ariela Barer (Gert).

After introducing the panel, Loeb had each cast member look at the person to their left and tell them why they like working with them. Once the hugs and compliment showers were over, the audience viewed a screening of the first episode of Season 3. Picking up where Season 2 left off, the premiere finds Alex, Nico, Molly, and Xavin trying to find and rescue their friends. Chase and Karolina have been captured by Jonah and his "real" family to become sacrifices. The episode also introduces the main villain for the season, Morgan Le Fay, played by Elizabeth Hurley.

The panel resumed with an audience Q&A. One question revolved around what other heroes they would like to appear on the show. It was the perfect segue to the actual appearance of Cloak and Dagger (Olivia Holt and Aubrey Joseph) happening later in the season. According to Loeb, this won't just be a mere cameo appearance: "Their involvement with these characters is integral to the show. They don't just jump in, say hi, and leave." It's why they couldn't reveal which episode they will arrive, as it is an essential part of the story.

Working on the crossover episode was very important to the cast because they know how much fans will love it. "It was incredible being on set for this particular episode," said Sulkin, "We were doing it with you [the fans] in mind, so everything was amped up a bit as if you were with us the entire time." 

Another question asked what storylines from the comics they would like to see on the show. "Keep watching this season, and you'll see some stuff," assured Feliz. Acosta enthusiastically endorsed the appearance of a future Runaway: "I want to see Victor Mancha!" We also think seeing the son of Ultron would be cool.

Finally, Runaways creator Brian K. Vaughn took to the podium to thank the cast and creators for what they've done with Runaways. "This is the best cast in television," he said to the roaring approval of the Hulu theater. 

All episodes of Marvel's Runaways Season 3 premiere Dec. 13 on Hulu.