Watch Spider-Man stars Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal in costume at children's hospital

What would you do if you were hanging out in bed and Spider-Man walked through your door? Better yet, what if you were a kid who’s making the best of your hospital stay — and the main cast of a whole Spider-Man movie showed up to personally treat you to a free screening?
Kids at Los Angeles’ Children’s Hospital got just that kind of Marvel-ous surprise when Tom Holland (Peter Parker), Jake Gyllenhaal (Mysterio), and Zendaya (MJ) swung by for a lengthy visit that featured both in-room chats and a big group get-together. Holland delighted the kids (and the grown-ups) by nailing a perfect Spidey backflip, before everyone got to check out an exclusive early showing of Spider-Man: Far From Home from start to finish.
Check it all out in the clip below — and notice how the British-born Holland remembers to lapse seamlessly into Peter’s friendly neighborhood New York voice when he steps into his superhero persona for the kids:
Both Holland and Gyllenhaal were in costume as Spidey and Mysterio, with all three posing for photos, checking to see which MCU character kids like best (Spidey got the answer he was looking for), and even re-creating a hospital-appropriate superhero chase in which Mysterio (presumably) let himself get caught by a kid in a little red wagon.
While the movie doesn’t sling into theaters until this week, the Children’s Hospital patients got to be among the very first to catch one of the movie’s rare advance screenings. “We wanted them to be the first people here on the West Coast to see it,” Holland explains in the clip — though we hope he didn’t also have to explain his trauma-inducing dusting in Avengers: Infinity War to any sharp-eyed, extra-inquisitive kids.
While the kids and a handful of critics already know what happens in Far From Home, the rest of us will have to wait in line like everybody else — and if these young Marvel fans get to say they’re the ones who got there first, that’s totally fine by us. The post-Avengers: Endgame chapter of the MCU begins on July 2, when Spider-Man: Far From Home lands in theaters nationwide.